Harnessing the Stars: Navigating Life Transitions with Astrology
Tarot reading is the divine source of truth. It tells you the innate parts of your life which would happen. Eights of Swords are the mere symbol of feeling stranded clinging onto a constant cycle. Major obstacles coming along your way might be immeasurable, thus, like there is a light at the end of each tunnel, Eight of Swords unlocks a torch for us which may not sound simple, but have hopes of availability.
If you feel deprived of certain progression surrounding any spot in your life, these magical and unique cards speak of moving ahead through a passage. You need to believe in yourself since you can only out beat the obstacle.
Eight of Swords possess cards which has minor details are given below,
The meaning of Upright
Feeling stranded, lazy, joblessness, trapped feelings, no help.
The meaning of Reversed
Feelings of hope, productivity is high, control over things, freedom, diligence in solving problems.
CARDS: Eight of Swords
Eight of Swords sternly displays a woman who has been blindfolded into the depths of darkness. Eight of Swords is surrounded edging to her presence. The black cloth she is blindfolded with has even tied her arms leading towards her backbone which is bound to her bodice.
TAROT: Eight of Swords
Since steel swords represent raging
violence. The blindfolded woman has borne swords clinging loosely all around
her. The sword hugging her is the purpose of serving in prison, even though
the slender space closing towards the woman is good enough for her to escape
this wounded baggage. But all it seems like the woman is comfortable in the
pain and has embraced it with open arms. She looks too swelled into her
dreadful past. The woman is too busy in her pains and doesn't seem to see
anything beyond leaving this hole filled with despair.
Just like the way she is indulged into the pains of her last, you must make a promise to graze ahead to graze past your turmoil. If you refuse the future steps, you will never be able to get there.
Eight of Swords inherent in the position which is upright denotes feelings of being stuck in a cycle which has no ends or the feeling of clinging to the external forces. There is a constant reminder of feeling endangered even in your own private space, it is bound to drive from making a difference. There are certain parts in life that grip us hard to the feeling of being naturally trapped and traumatized in that trap. This is a self-made the feeling of fear.
Nothing binds you forever, there are numerous tracks that push you to overcome obstacles. It may be anything named from love, or life's generally little things. Hence, if you need a change, you need to believe in yourself that you can do it, and acknowledge the trails before making it to fix them.
The card never lies, during the reading of one's career, Eight of Swords will most likely display your need for assistance and guide you through career or job issues. It proves to show that you are kind of going to the tunnel of hopelessness and is feeling stuck. Maybe, the job you have now isn't enough for your overall sustenance. Eight of Swords will be a guiding angel and would be indicative that you must move on from this. It also tells you pertaining to various financial instability waves which would last for a short span of time. For a safe and sound future, you must drive away from this job right now.
In case, you encounter eight of swords pertaining to readings in the area of finances, it displays the certain truth that you have been feeling the trap within you due to the numerous debts and inability to fulfill the resources. You need to listen carefully, for a better future, discontinue depending upon the debts and polish your hands in spending. Start to value money, before it wrecks you completely.
Meanwhile, if you go through financial issues which has a deep impact on your personal life, it's time to don the hat of creativity. Make your bones work and make your minds nimble, swear by doing works that are bound to attract extra money, such as online tutor, babysitting, and anything under the umbrella which could bring stability for your sustenance. You must lean on to adjust.
When the eight of swords shows in readings of love, there are signs that display that you are feeling that stranded levels are too deep in your relationship. However, it further doesn't lure you to breakup.
Stagnating feeling in a relationship can be quite a daunting challenge. The lack of uttering sensible and deep words or no sense of profound intimacy. However, you and your partner would be choosing to break heads in order to find the justifications behind this. With arguments mounting your relationship, you will most likely find positive outcomes thereafter. But the readings suggest strongly that you must check into a relationship therapist.
When you are single, eight of swords tells that you are in a long wait for someone special to stave off all your hurt away. But the reality is that self-love is bound to spark internally and not from someone's presence.
You have the power to light the interiors of your heart, mind, body, and soul. She or he won't be baking the rescue cakes for you. You are equally first in your eyes.
Eight of Swords, however, guide you
through the readings. It manages to bring a little change by suggesting
the rights and wrongs of your life. It tells you that it's important you focus
on your current and leave behind your past in order to resolve external as well
as internal conflicts. We are born with innate powers to exert control over
life's ugliest incidents. In regard to Tarot reading, one must even do a little
part for themselves and not solely depend upon the other person to do their
thing for them.