The Sun card in the Tarot reading represents optimism, success, and positivity in our life. The Sun is the source of life of all the living being on the Earth, therefore, is a sign of growth, happiness, and joy that is connected with our inner spirits.

In the card, the Sun is above the Earth and beneath are the four sunflowers that have grown above the wall made of bricks. In front of it, a child is sitting on the top of a white horse. The young and joyful child is a symbol of happiness that is built inside the heart and the soul. The child is also naked which represents transparency. It symbolizes the purity of his heart and innocence of childhood. He has nothing secretive inside him. Everything is exposed to the World. The horse is the symbolism of strength and serenity.


Sun card at the upright represents abundance, growth, success, joy, and radiance. It provides you with immense energy, strength, and power irrespective of the situation you are in or whatever you are doing. The positivity and the radiance will always stick by your side drawing happiness and prosperity in your world. The people around you will feel hopeful and happy as you radiate the positivity and warmth to others even in the darkest of the situations and never back off no matter how difficult it is. This protective energy or strength is your superpower which will help you go through all the difficult situations of your life gracefully. When this card shuffles out at the upright position, it is also an indication of achievement and sharing the best behaviors or qualities with those around us. It advises you to stick around those you really worry about.

If your life has been going through the rollercoasters, hurdles, or obstacles that have brought you down, the Sun card is the perfect message for you. With the immense fears and challenges, you have gained your power of patience and understanding before reacting to the situation bluntly. That is why, through the presence of the Sun, it is to convey to you that now you will be bestowed with all the good things in your life that you have been wanting or trying to attain for such a long time. it is because now the Universe is about to shower you with abundance and you need to believe and truth that everything will work out for the best.

Sun card is the power that has been imparted to you in your present situation if it comes out in your reading. This power is not filled with ego or built out of pride, fear, or insecurity but it has been molded with energy from our own soul that is stuffed with abundance and success by keeping a positive mindset even at the stormy days. There will be a sense of calmness and prosperity in the situation that you are dealing with. Sun card is full of energy and therefore you will be showered with the gifts and luck that are desired by others. Your positive attitude will help you accomplish them with ease.


Sun Card at the reversed informs you to break all the barriers and speak your own truth. It tells you to call back the innocence of your life if you are losing it or getting away from it slowly. As we grow up, we tend to indulge ourselves into a busy lifestyle and push away the fun that needs to be preserved in our life despite the situations that are full of adversities. With the carefree and benevolent mindset, you gain the ability to eliminate all the tensions and worries that are overpowering your good vibes. When the Sun card comes out in reversed position during the tarot reading, it is the indication to get away from the responsibilities and worries for the momentary state and enjoy whatever the Universe has to offer to you. With the correct mind, you can be gifted with abundance and growth.

The card at the reversed position also informs that you have been working very hard to see the better days of life or the better solution of the situation. It has been a lot of struggle. There has been various evolution of difficulties and problems that has demeaned your self-confidence and optimistic attitude. Due to that, you have been at a situation where you have started doubting your own capabilities and thus mental setback might have also led to depression as well. You feel that your road towards success is blocked and everything is upside down.

But the real magic of the card is that Sun card is always a sign of optimism even at the reversed position. It indicates that the situations of your life or the problems you are dealing with are momentary. They can be destroyed with your dedication towards your effort even if it takes time. It might also be the scenario that you are quite egoistic or full of over-confidence at the present. That is the reason for the deviation of your ultimate goal. Be truthful to yourself and to others as well. It is advisable not to imagine the negative situation that has not even occurred. With the power of trust and devotion to your mind, you can achieve the goal you opt for.


It is a card of immense success and spiritual upliftment. It directs towards the unknown sense of joy that the Universe has to offer. It is a card that imparts enlightenment despite all the challenges in life as the challenges help us to grow and learn for an experienced future. When you come in real contact with this truth, you will be directed towards the right path of your life. It is highly important to keep the faith and trust the Higher realm as they would provide you with the world of contentment, prosperity, peace, love, and happiness along with all the good things that you deserve in your life to lead on to.