The most important and powerful number in the individual’s personal numerology is his/her life path number. The life path number represents who the individual is, exactly how the individual is from his/her soul itself, the personal life is about to shape the individual in. It is calculated by adding the numbers in the individual's date of birth date and adding it up until it is a single-digit number. The life path number is the total sum of the individual’s date of birth. It also describes the individual's personality traits that the individual will have throughout his/her life. The individual’s life number is said to be a representation of the individual’s future, the individual's personality itself. It also tells the individual about what obstacles, and hurdles that are about to come in the individual’s path.

The life path number is calculated by adding the numbers in the individual’s date of birth. For example, if the individual was born on the twenty-first of September 2004, the number we have here is 21.09.2004. You add up the numbers and finally come to a two-digit number which is 18. We need a single-digit number, so we add one and eight, and the individual’s life path number is 9.

If the individual's life path number is said to be one, then the individual is said to be a natural follower, who can be an inventor with the number of creative ideas roaming in this particular individual's brain. They can never be followers and will always lead. They have the determination and tact to get out of any sticky situation they find themselves in.

If the individual’s life path number is said to be two, then the individual is said to be calm, peaceful, and very spiritual. They make great listeners and are often very emphatic about how others feel. They are the people who choose to use their brains over brawn.

If the individual's life path number is said to be three, then the individual is said to be a person who is bursting with life and takes life a day at a time. They live as though every day is the last day they have and live life at the moment. They not only experience life, but they also live it. They are very creative people who have excellent communicative skills which makes them popular among people.

If the individual's life path number is said to be four, then the individual is said to be determined people who are very logical. They adhere to practicality and logic and are hard workers. They have a grounded personality and are humble people who are followers and work well under the leadership of a leader.

If the individual’s life path number is said to be five, then the individual is said to be natural motivators and are amazing communicators. They are open-minded and love the freedom they have and the versatility they make choices with. They encourage others to follow what they desire and work towards their dreams.

If the individual’s life path number is said to be six, then the individual is said to be extremely responsible. They are the people who tend to take care of others and find joy in advising people and helping them find a solution to their problems. They are people who never stray from the right path and will always do the right thing. They are truthful by nature and ensure that there is justice for those who are wronged.

If the individual’s life path number is said to be seven, then the individual is said to have a very analytical and calculative mind. Nothing escapes from their notice and they observe everything and often draw up conclusions which are almost, always right. They enjoy the solace of their own company and hate the sounds of modern life. Whatever they do, and whatever they follow, they never leave it, they always tend to stick to it.

If the individual’s life path number is said eight, then the individual is said to be a dictator, a leader, a person with a very direct mind, and great leadership skills. They are hard workers and believe the way to success is only through hard work. They are brutally honest and frank and expect the same from others. They have the tenacity to survive in any situation, no matter how dire the situation gets.

If the individual's life path number is said to be nine, then the individual is said to be a very compassionate person who has no value for materialistic possessions or materialistic wealth. They have no trouble in making friends and are extremely trustworthy. They are people who hate the burden of responsibility and prefer living life as carefree as it gets for them. They end up fighting against the realities of the world and the innumerable challenges that come across their way.

The significance of the life path number in the individual's life is that it tells the individual about the hurdles and problems the individual is about to face. Not only that it also tells the individual who his/her personality traits, and how life is about to shape them. The life path number also tells the individual about his/her purpose in life, a greater purpose. It helps them find a greater purpose if they do not have one and helps them in understanding who they are as an individual and what is their place in the world. The life path number of an individual helps the individual find himself/herself and helps the individual look deeper into himself/herself.