The chakras are vital in harmonizing the body with our mind. They are seven in number, precisely, the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and the crown chakra. The first four chakras have been already, deeply conversed in the previous article and below is the discussion of the last three chakras with analysis.



The Throat chakra, or the Vishuddha, translated as ‘very pure’ in Sanskrit, is signified by the color blue and corresponds to the thyroid gland. It basically governs the upper parts of the body, like the throat, hands, mouth, neck, arms, and tongue. Positioned between one’s collar bone, it aims to enlighten and instigate the people surrounding us and assists to express ourselves visibly with love, empathy, and veracity. It is the chakra of connection to love and compassion to oneself as well as other individuals.

If you feel your echoes unheard, tried expressing yourself without luck and often interrupted the conversation of others to bring yourself to notice, you are experiencing the unbalanced fifth chakra. In this condition, you may suffer from physical ailments like mouth ulcers and cavities, throat pain and increased frequency of infections. An under reactive chakra implies that one is very shy, low, inaudible, soft and has a tough time in finding ways of justification of oneself. Bodily signs include digestive difficulties. Balancing this chakra requires the notion of thought before a speech and expressing your emotions to yourself in the reprise.



The third eye chakra or Ajna in Sanskrit is interpreted as ‘beyond wisdom’. This chakra is involved with the sense of intuition and enlightenment of the mind of an individual beyond the materialistic creations and the five sensory organs. It corresponds to the pituitary gland and controls the nervous system of the body, the nerves, the hypothalamus, eyes, nose, and ears. It is the center of the roots of psychic powers and is also referred to as the sixth sense. Epitomized by indigo, it is located in between the eyebrows and the energy encircling it radiates over the nervous system.

If a balance is attained in this Chakra, you will feel grounded and a balance between all existing objects, the mind, and the body, the physical and material world and you will be serene and not overawed. Although there are rare cases of the overactive sixth chakra, still one could comprehend psychic activities like paranormality, tarot reading, and astrology. To get back normal, you need to bond with the naturality of the earth, where you were born. Most people have an underactive chakra and physically experience headaches, allergic reactions, and sinuses. Energizing the third eye involves the practice of meditation, for example, practicing Reiki. Focusing on yourself and on what radiations are being emitted by your body is a good way of connecting to your sixth sense.



The Sahaswara, meaning ‘a thousand-petaled’ in Sanskrit is denoted by the colors violet and white and signifies the human consciousness. It corresponds to the pineal gland and is responsible for controlling the upper brain and the right eye. It is located at the topmost portion of the head and radiates a vital energy force outwardly, to the rest of the cosmos. It is the consciousness energy that binds us to the universe and this planet.

Balancing this chakra comes with boons like happiness, wisdom, peace, tranquility, health, as well as the poise and alignment of the rest of the six chakras. The Reiki Shoden focuses mainly on harmonizing this chakra as it is the key to becoming a master. One is supposed to be a victor of miseries and bereavement with this achievement. It is theoretically improbable to have an overreactive seventh chakra as the energy associated with our consciousness is already infinite. An underactive seventh chakra implies an ordinary, human nature common to us all living individuals. Practicing meditation and balancing the other Chakras is the gateway to achieving the equilibrium of the Sahaswara.