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What is Reiki?
Reiki is a technique of alternative medicine, which uses something known as ‘energy healing’. This energy healing is a hand on technique so the practitioners call it a ‘hands-on healing’ where a universal degree of energy is transferred to the patient with the use of hands. This type of treatment is used mostly for physical and emotional healing.
Reiki is usually referred to as pseudo – science, because it is based on the use of energies which are all based on the life forces and the forces of emotions. Many do debate that it is hard to prove its effectiveness, but modern-day neuroscience and psychiatry have evolved to accept Reiki as a form of practice of effective healing.
The word ‘Reiki’ means ‘mysterious energy, miraculous sign’.
The History of Reiki
Reiki was first used as a method of healing by a Japanese man named Mikao Usui late back in 1922. He is known as the grandmaster of Reiki and his useful techniques have passed on through all these years with slight variations and have evolved to the system we know as it is today. The Usui system of natural healing is the one that is most practiced. There is proper training for Reiki experts and practitioners to help their patients in the transfer of energy.
A Typical Reiki Session
A Reiki session may stand for 60 to 90 minutes. During an initial discussion, a Reiki practitioner will help you get acquainted with the process, and would also exchange problems or issues someone might be experiencing. There is a comfortable massage table where the client is asked to lay down comfortably, with all clothes on and shoes removed. There can be two typical methods where a practitioner will use hands to lightly touch the body and another where the practitioner will use a hands-off approach, more like placing hands slightly higher than the body. Sometimes the clients prefer not to be touched.
There might be some tingling sensations on the body that will be felt while the practitioner moves the hands from the position above the head down to the feet. The session is supposed to be lightening and calming at the end.
Avoid taking phones along with you during the time. Wear loose, baggy clothes for extra comfort.
There are as such no problems or side effects of the treatment. Some people might start to see some sorts of colors or flashbacks and some nonexistent memories. It is best to feel all of them and it is quite natural. Also, some people might have problems pertaining to comfort when a complete stranger touches them.
After the session
One might feel sort of exhausted. It is nice to drink plenty of water.
The Healing Benefits of Reiki
Treatment of Some Medical Conditions
There are some medical conditions that might find their way out through Reiki. Conditions like persistent headaches and migraines in the body. Also, conditions like uneven nauseas, insomnias and body tensions and vigour can be treated through Reiki. Reiki is also supposed to be great at some diseases like heart diseases, cancers, and chronic pains in some parts of the body. At the end of the session, patients might feel healed or might feel that something has got bettered inside their body. Also, fatigues, infertility, and neurodegenerative problems find their solutions through the art of Reiki.
Mood Enhancement
One of the biggest treasures of the practice of Reiki is that it can be used for mood upliftment and enhancement. There have been surveys conducted that prove that people who had taken up Reiki sessions have a better mood than most people who do not. The mood beneficiary helps in concentration and also prevents initial signs of clinical depression. Also, it might help you dig in through your life’s problems and emerge out of the harsher parts of life, the traumas, and disasters. Regular Reiki is great for the betterment of the overall mood.
The Uplifting of Quality of Life
Reiki uses the energy of life known as ‘qi’ in Japanese, and is better called as ‘PRANA’ in India. This is a form of energy we all are surrounded by, and it affects different people in different ways. Some may have positive effects through this, while some may have negative. What Reiki practitioners do is they help this energy to permeate inside the body in a positive way. This will help us gain a supreme form of relaxation and us might also find answers to a lot of stress we may have come upon lately in our lives.
Treatment of some mental illness
Again it has been proven through surveys that people who were on a regular basis of Reiki therapy and healing are less prone to depression. Reiki is known to treat depression. In Reiki terms, depression is an accumulation of stagnant life forces inside, which causes us to be a magnet for every form of negative thought and mood. Reiki helps in getting over it in a big way. Reiki also helps us ground our anxiety and stress levels. It is used to heal PTSD also.
Relieving from pain and anxiety
There are different forms of pain in the body, inclusive of both physical and mental pains. This might stand a chance for anxiety and stress in the human being. Reiki is kind of helpful in such cases. Reiki will help you regulate breathing and respiratory rates which will benefit in healing a lot of pains in the body. Some pains might be associated with fatigue, which might be well treated by the use of Reiki. Reiki is also a physiotherapeutic technique advised for many people.
Cookie for Thought: Did you know Reiki Practitioners may cry sometimes during sessions?
This is in response to the pain and suffering that may have contaminated inside the body of a person. The session is sometimes a liberating and overwhelming session. The connection established between a practitioner and a patient is very surreal and strong. Therefore the overflow of emotions that one might have been feeling due to the accumulated trauma and pain. This passes on to the practitioner and this brings about tears in their eyes.