Start your day without hitting the snooze button on your alarm -A guide to help you get out of bed early.

Start your day without hitting the snooze button on your alarm -A guide to help you get out of bed early.

Do you often find yourself hitting the snooze button n number of times before actually getting up from bed? Do you find yourself promising that ‘tomorrow’ this will not happen again? And yet, tomorrow never comes? If so, then this article is for you!

Waking up early can be a difficult task with and without getting enough sleep at night. It is not always laziness which causes this. This happens due to an imbalance in your body’s inbuilt clock, which is controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain. People who tend to neglect their alarm clocks every morning may be experiencing something called phase delay. Phase delay takes place when the body’s clock is trained to wake up at later times of the day. This process has been built up by the lifestyle you follow and that is why change doesn’t come in one day itself. Everything has a price tag and so does this. Getting up early has an ample number of benefits like getting more time to yourself, working out, taking out time to do things you love, and also for self-care. If these benefits are not too appealing to the eyes, and your sleep still manages to come first, then you might as well consider the troubles caused due to difficulty in waking up early.

Troubles associated with not being able to wake up early:

Sleeping in on most days, are a sign of depression. And depression’s best friend is insomnia.

As if the stress and anxiety that is served cold with the modern era are not enough, not being able to wake up early makes the mind and body feel unproductive throughout the day, which may bring about bouts of stress and anxiety.

Sleep Apnea is a rare sleeping disorder where a person is at risk of not being able to breathe when he is asleep. This is a serious issue that inhibits a good night’s sleep and delays Waking up in the morning. Immediate consultation with the doctor is recommended. 


Tips to get going in the morning:

The Five-Second Rule: The brain is a very complex organ of the body. It controls thought processes and bodily actions. It takes just five seconds for the brain to change the decision which can cause the body to go from a resting or pleasant phase to a phase where it needs to work. That is why these five seconds are so important to make a decision. Every morning when the alarm clock rings, mentally count to five. As soon as you hit five, make yourself sit up and do not stop after that. This has proven to be a very effective method when it comes to changing one’s lifestyle for the better.

A Fixed Sleep Schedule: Barring exciting weekends and important occasions, plan out your day in a way so that you can go to bed and wake up every day at a fixed time. This time should adhere to every single day. If followed and maintained religiously, the body gets adjusted to a routine and in a few months, you will not need the help of an alarm clock to wake you up. Make sure the sleep and wakeup time has at least 6-7 hours between them so the body gets its rest and you wake up feeling fresh.

Distance Your Alarm Clock: When the shrill rings of the alarm clock are well within your reach, it is easy to get tempted and hit the snooze button. To avoid this from happening, it is recommended to position the alarm in such a place that requires getting up from the bed and travelling a distance to switch it off. Once the body is out of the cosy, warm sheets, it is easier to make your way to the bathroom or kitchen and start of your day at the time you had aimed for.

Exercise: A vast number of studies have proven exercise to be great mediums to improve sleeping conditions like insomnia, sleepwalking, and others. Exercise produces dopamine in the body which allows the body to be at peace. If you go to bed in a pleasant and relaxed mind, it is easier to fall asleep and wake up at the stipulated time. Add an hour of half of the meditation and you are good to master the art of waking up!