Harnessing the Stars: Navigating Life Transitions with Astrology
A Taurean is considered to be a very economic person and a good negotiator. A Taurean, just like a Libra, is a very balanced human being with a fine level of stability. Taureans are emotionally upfront and are good householders. They are pretty influential people and can sway people to their own points by their own wit and presence of mind. They are those people in the group that can cover up for the weak points in the group and can immediately replace negativities. Overall Taureans are very mild, gentle, and "next-door" kinds of people. Taureans are stable and peaceful and one always looks up to them for decision making. But Taureans are poor at health and so must take special care for their healths.
On an emotional state, it's a sort of a confusing state. Like people are okay with over obsessing with things. They start loving people with all their hearts and then start giving their all to the relationship and hence they fail miserably in it. Their obsessions are sometimes intimidating to the people around, people around start spacing themselves before they become their destruction. Also, they may start worrying uselessly over small things on account of the fact that they may be very intimately connected to it. They may also become very whiny, complaining about the smallest of things and this becomes irritating for the people around. They have certain levels of harmful envy also, which leads then nowhere. They are hesitant to speak out their minds and hence suffer silently. The person should be ready to fight pessimism and bring a certain level of lust into things, rather than doing them passively without any interest. Also, they should try to let go of things that may not be in their control.
Rahu in Taurus on the outward front gives a lot of luck and resourcefulness. It is the time of economic growth and the time to take control of one's life. A person develops certain materialistic interests and goes in following them. The once wanted object becomes the objective aim and hence the person goes in fulfilling them.
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Rahu is said to be 'exalted' in Taurus and hence gives results which will seem like the favor of luck of the individual. Taurus is associated with Earth, therefore a fidgety planet like Rahu finds solace in the platform of Earth and hence this denotes stability. The person has a certain level of stability in his life. Taurus is associated with Venus, which denotes love, and Rahu denotes foreign, and hence this indicates an intercaste nuptial rite. But this also points to permanence and hence stability. They may be also indulgent in sensuous pleasures and luxury.
This gives them a certain degree of social status, and hence the societal life of the people is pretty well established.
The people have a tendency to rise in government sectors. They get recognition and respect in the social circle. They acquire new properties, especially land and there is growth in their wealth. But hence they are a bit edgy on the emotional front they tend to get a bit harsh on other people if they are misunderstood. They may show short temperament and hence may indulge in unnecessary feuds which may not be nice for their familial relationships. Although Taureans are economically very sound, the Rahu in Taurus makes them spendthrifts, they squander wealth in the acquisition of things which may not absolutely be useful for them. The people may get prone to addictions also many times.
People will tend to develop religious and spiritual tendencies. Therefore doing some forms of yoga and meditation always helps the body and mind. This may be a form of abatement of the mental turmoil the people may face during this time. They may develop significant edges in speech and hence may become good influencers. The person starts focusing on the internal energy that is amassed inside the person, which brings him in coordination with the universe. This time is very good for the possession of new vehicles and also the possession of four-legged animals.
Worshipping Durga and Bhairava during this period can add to the goodness of this period. Try to meditate and calm your nerves and chakras. They always help. Worship Lord Shiva with milk and sandalwood paste.