Get an Idea about Mangal Dosh and Find the Remedies

Get an Idea about Mangal Dosh and Find the Remedies

It will not be wrong to say that Mangal dosh is one of the most feared dosh from the world of Vedic astrology. This dosh is also called the Kuja dosh and it is known for disrupting the marital life of the person who has it. The truth is Mangal dosh is much more than that. The Bhom dosh, another name for mangal dosh is related to planet Mars.

The Bhom dosh can cause hindrance in finding the perfect partner and often it is seen that the people with Kuja dosh get married late in life. It is also observed that if there is a mismatch between the evaluations of Manglik dosh between the prospective bride and groom then there are can be tension, stress and unhappiness to name a few.

Let us see what mangal dosh entails…

What is mangal dosh?

Many people have only the basic idea of what being a Manglik is. The general people who are not very knowledgeable about the science of Vedic shastras only know that this dosh is related to mars. IF they read more about it, they will find the in-depth idea of this dosh and the remedies related to it.

As per the science of astrology, mangal dosha can be simply explained as the placement of the planet Mars in the twelfth, eighth, seventh, fourth, second and first house of the natal chart of the person whose natal chart is being checked.

In the south Indian form of astrology or the Dashtakoot method, the mangal dosh is also checked in the fifth house of the natal chart of the person whose planets are checked. Those who have mars or mangal in these planets have Mangalik dosha in their natal charts.

Effects of mangal dosh on different houses

Effects of mangal dosh on the first house

This house talks about the self-identity of a person. The way a person view is seen by this. If the mangal dosh lies in the first house of the girl it could mean that the couple could physically assault. Tensions and stress would be on the rise if the remedies for this are not done.

Effects of mangal dosh on the second house

If the second house has Mars this means that the partner will die after marriage. This cannot be ignored at all. Mars in this house can also mean that the person will have issues in the vocational activities. The couple in turn will have issues in saving money.

Effects of mangal dosh on the fourth house

If the planet mars are present in the fourth house of the natal chart of the seeker then they could have issues regarding their finances and professional life. The couple can also find it hard to support each other and the harmony between them can disrupt.

Effects of mangal dosh on the seventh house

if a person has Kuja dosh on the seventh house this gives them the malefic nature of mars. They are bound to be hot-tempered and get irritated on seemingly nothing. The ill-effects of their behaviour can also affect the relationship they have in life.

Effects of mangal dosh on the eighth house

If the planet mars are present in this house then the bearer of the natal chart becomes very lazy and careless with their daily activities. It is observed that the person becomes reckless with their finances and finds it difficult to save money for the future.

Effects of mangal dosh on the twelfth house

The Manglik person who has the effect of the planet Mars in this house has a lot of enemies. It is seen that people always conspire against the bearer of the natal chart with Mars in this house. It is observed that the person after getting married would also suffer from issues relating to mental health which could disrupt their home life.

At last, If someone has mangal dosh in their natal chart they should not worry as there are remedies available that can reduce the effect of mangal dosh. The mangal dosh is nullified if both the prospective bride and groom have mangal dosh. Another thing that can be checked is that the position of the planet in the house of marriage can also reduce the effect of mangal dosh.

If someone has mangal dosh in their natal chart they must check their horoscope and conduct a kundali matching to find the solutions and remedies for the same.