Diving Deeper into the World of Tarot Cards

Diving Deeper into the World of Tarot Cards

The world of Tarot card reading has reached the realms of modernity as it is highly and largely practiced in the world of the internet. Tarot card reading requires the customer to focus deeply on a particular question after which he or she must choose three cards from the pack of the 54 tarot cards. These cards are all symbolic and have specific meanings attached to themselves. Thus, the meanings are combined with the knowledge of the expert to frame and form a suitable answer to the question. In Tarot card readings, there exists both yes cards, no cards, and maybe cards. The yes cards have a positive charge, the no a negative charge while the maybe cards are supposed to be of neutral charges. Let’s delve deeper into the world of tarot cards and read about a few cards. 


The Different Groups of Cards and How their Values are Counted 


Every card has a specific value that is used for counting. Knowledge regarding the system is not required to use it for counting the values or numbers associated with the card. The technique must be learned of how to find a way into finding the specific worth of the cards. Additionally, one must also know how to add a specific structure and detailing to it  


The Minor Arcana Groups 

The Aces in the spread have a count of 5 each and are used to represent the elements of nature along with the fifth element of the spirit or aether. 

The small cards, also known as Pips, have their own assigned numerical value. For example, the 2 of cups count to 2, the 8 of pentacles count up to 8, and so on. These numbers of the small cards represent the sephiroth on the Tree of Life. 

The cards that count 7 are the Pages or the Princesses. These represent the seven palaces in the Tree of life. There were Ancient planets that were Seven in number. These numbers are believed to represent those planets.  

The cards that have a count of 4 are the Knights, the Queens, and the Kings. These cards represent the four individual letters of the Tetragrammaton. 


The Major Arcana Cards 

The cards that have a count of 3 falls under the major Arcana cards. These cards are The Fool (air), Judgement (fire), and the Hanged Man (Water). These are the primary substances and are used to represent the 3 Mother or primary letters belonging to the Hebrew alphabet. 

The other major arcana cards belong to the count of 9.

These cards are the Wheel of Fortune, Tower, High Priestess, Empress, Magician, and the World. These cards also go by the name of the Planetary Trumps. They consequently represent the various planets, 9 in number, that are revolving in the solar system. 

The final cards of the major arcana are the cards that count 12. These cards correspond to the 12 different zodiacs and are the Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers, Chariot, Hermit, Justice, Death, Devil, Temperament, Star, and the Moon.  


Explaining the Logistics behind Counting Tarot Cards  

The logistics of counting Tarot cards are mainly used in the Opening of the Key method and the epic tarot spread. It shows a very unique and detailed method or technique to determine the position from where the counting should begin. The tarot card counting is simplistically counted from one's left to one's right.

During tarot card counting, the card that is included at the beginning of counting is called the first card. From this, it progresses to each card placed next to one another. In this way, a story is simultaneously told by deciphering the meanings of such cards. The process comes to an end in the Golden Dawn Rules if we stumble on a card that we have already counted before. This marks the end of the reading session. 


Understanding Card Combinations 

The process of counting cards and various tarot card amalgamations work smoothly together. If tarot card counting follows reading cards in combinations, the story automatically becomes more meaningful and provides richer detail. These specific tarot cars can then be read in the manner of a sequence.

Three cards are used to tell a small story within a larger frame. A larger amount of details and information can be obtained from more numbers of cards and thus, cards grouped three are preferred. The card that we landed on must be interpreted alongside the two other cards next to it. The card landed on is called the principal or central card whereas the cards on either side are called the flanking cards or moderators.