December 25 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health

December 25 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health

December 25 Zodiac sign


December 25 Birthday - Personality

December 25th is a day that people are driven, ambitious, and hardworking. They are determined to achieve their goals and will not stop until they do. They won't be distracted or scattered by any forces. You also run the risk of falling under the spell of others who will use you for their personal gain and live in your place. These people, despite their energy, can sometimes be indecisive and make rash decisions or miss out on great opportunities. There will be ups as well as downs in financial matters. People born on 25th December are most interested in the unusual aspects of life. They are attracted to energies that can free them from all worldly worries. They naturally seek to experience a transcendent or elevated state of consciousness. This can be achieved using a variety of methods, including music, dance or religious practice or imagination. The majority of people born December 25th tend to see the experience of an unreal state or consciousness as a personal accomplishment rather than a real one. Their imagination allows them to discover their creative and sophisticated personalities. People born on this day love to boast about their accomplishments and talents. They care less about their career, hobbies, or lifestyle. They are drawn to the problem of dissolving and transcending social boundaries, but not to wealth or power accumulation. No matter who they are or what their ultimate goal, people born December 25th are open to taking risks and enjoying risky ventures. People born December 25th are at risk of losing touch with the outside world because they are so excited about transcendental achievements. It is important that they learn to appreciate time, especially the present moment, and to relax. It is a great idea to have close friends and family who can help them get by. Acceptance of life and everything within it requires acceptance. Dec 25th, 2012 will see those born with the ability to accept the world as it is and to make some compromises. This compromise makes everything they have achieved in peak consciousness more meaningful and helps them to achieve greater spiritual stability.

December 25 Birthday - Positive Characteristics

Intelligent, well-organized individuals who are capable of fixing what's broken and able to hold onto long-term commitments without restraint. They are patient planners who can see the many steps to a destination.

December 25 Birthday - Negative Characteristics

They jump to conclusions, make assumptions, and rationalize in situations that can only be explained by other people. This makes them too rigid and closed-minded for those who may have never betrayed or misled them.

December 25 Birthday - Health

Dec 25th, 1995 is a good day to avoid any addictions such as coffee, alcohol, and hallucinogens. They gravitate towards stimulating foods, such as spicy, salty, and sweet. They feel more fulfilled and happy when they eat such food. Taking into consideration the long-term prospects, we might still focus on fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals and low-calorie foods. Moderate consumption of meat or fish is also a possibility. They will be able to exercise well in both team and competitive sports.

December 25 Birthday - Love & Emotions

Capricorns born December 25th are proud but rigid in emotional exchange. They need to be open to love and to share their feelings. While their primal instincts will appear confident and focused, their insecurity lies in their vulnerability and they will do all they can to protect it from dishonesty or pressure. Their primary task is to allow unconditional love and be clear about the boundaries they can set. Self-protection is a belief that allows flexibility and emotional flow, rather than fearing those who may be threatening them. They want a partner who is not only thoughtful but can also talk with them about the things they aren't willing to share with the rest. Their bonds are built on communication. They need to find a partner who is open to sharing laughter and moments of joy, not just someone they can confide in. They were meant to find another child in their hearts to connect with, someone pure, loving, and so that they can preserve their romance in unity instead of protecting it from the wrong partner.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On December 25

Humphrey Bogart, Jimmy Buffett, Dido, Rickey Henderson, Chris Rene, Annie Lennox, Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On December 25

Capricorns who were born on December 25th can choose from a book, tools, and practical gadgets. You also have the option to buy a new car, a laptop, or a phone. Capricorns love to touch and use things in their daily lives. Sometimes it is a smart choice to ask them directly what they would like for their birthday. Their soft side loves presents that are a little cheesy. They love the little messages of affection hidden on the last pages of books they have read. Engravings that highlight the deep and solid importance of their presence in the lives of others. You can subtly demonstrate their true, deep value.

December 25 Ruling Planet


December 25 Element


December 25 Lucky day


December 25 Lucky Color

Indigo and Sea Green

December 25 Lucky Numbers

31, 13

December 25 Birthstone


December 25 Zodiac Compatibility

Aries and Leo

December 25 Strength:

Hardworking and Ambitious

December 25 Weakness:

Pessimistic and Unforgiving