Chakras are basically energy wheels and are an important part of our body. There are about 114 chakras associated with our body but seven of them are very important.

These Chakras are full of power and have a lot of energy in them. These chakras should be kept in mind while doing yoga as well in order to enjoy more benefits.

Muladhara Chakra: Introduction

This is also known as the root chakras and is associated with the earth. This particular chakra is present near the spine region as well as the lower pelvic area.

This is the very first chakras and will be the starting of anything that you decide to do. This is basically your foundation and should be so strong that it sustains and not falls.

You are likely to feel very imbalanced and insecure if this chakra tends to become weak. This chakra will bring stability and safety to your life.

The things responsible for the betterment of this chakra are basic body needs like eating, sleeping, and drinking. Yoga asanas can help you stabilize this chakra in your life.

Muladhara Chakra: Yoga

Root chakra symbolizes characteristics such as truth, self-protection, and communication of wants. The problems that you might face if your root chakra is not balanced can be feeling victimized, throat issues or tonsillitis. For balancing this chakra, the following yoga poses help:

Tadasana (Mountain pose):

Stand as tall as the mountain on your yoga mat, push back your shoulder blades relaxing your upper body, close your eyes, and do the usual pranayama.

Malasana (Squat or Garland pose):

Join your hands near the chest, close to your heart and sit down to do a complete or a deep squat (a block can also be used for support). If you do not want to use the block for support then you can keep your soles flat on the ground and put some pressure to stick to the ground without losing balance.

Svadhisthana Chakra: Introduction

This is also known as the sacral chakra and is linked to the element of water. The location of this chakra is below the naval as well as above the pubic bone.

This chakra is linked to the creative factor in you. Creativity will be needed by you while cooking, gardening, thinking about new ideas, and while doing art.

With age, this chakra tends to become weak in you as you become less and less creative. When not in balance, this chakra can bring a feeling of discomfort in your life.

All your emotions will get affected and this will lead to physical pains. On the physical level, this chakra can be associated with lower back, hips, kidneys, pelvic and sexual organs.

In order to increase this chakra in your life, you should open yourself to creative activities and do proper yoga.

Svadhisthana Chakra: Yoga

The sacral chakra is linked to values such as creativity, self-respect, and the female reproductive system. Issues like addictions, irritable bowel syndrome, or ovarian cysts are some issues you face if this chakra isn’t balanced. The following yoga poses help to keep them balanced:

Baddha Virabhadrasana (Humble Warrior):

This pose is one of the warriors poses in yoga and is very good at releasing your hips and generates some heat in the body. This benefits the sacral chakra as it helps to make the muscles around the hips and lower core stronger while also creating a deeper opening to these areas.

Mandukasana (Frog Pose):

One of the most acute hip-opening yoga poses. It soothes the stressed hips and lowers back. This pose helps you feel and witness the true feelings and emotions that you have been avoiding, it is very beneficial as you begin to mend yourself.

Manipura Chakra: Introduction

Another name for this is Solar Plexus Chakra and is associated with the element fire. This chakra is present from the navel to the breastbone.

It is an important chakra symbolizing and affecting your self-esteem, inner power, energy, and self-worth. On the physical level, the organs that can be linked to this chakra are liver, gall bladder, spine, and digestive tract.

With the proper presentation of this chakra, you will be confident, filled with energy, and make good decisions.

With burning or irritation in the digestive tract, you can predict the condition of your solar plexus chakra.

Manipura Chakra: Yoga

Solar Plexus chakra deals with attributes such as self-worth, power, and control and will-power and if this chakra is not balanced then issues like weight problems, stomach issues, or liver issues may occur. To balance solar plexus chakra the following yoga poses are helpful:

Dhanurasana (Bow pose):

Lie flat on your stomach and slowly lift your legs upwards making an arch and simultaneously reach for the ankles by bending your back as well in the upward direction. Hold the ankles and stretch. This pose is very beneficial in releasing stomach issues like indigestion and very helpful for the liver. Since there are possibilities of you getting cramps, make sure to warm-up before performing this yoga pose.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes/ Seated Spinal Twist Pose):

Sit down with your legs extended and bend your right leg, hold the ankle of your right leg with your left hand from the outer side and take support by keeping your left hand behind and twist your body towards the right. This pose helps in getting relief from back pain and releases all the catches throughout.

Anahata Chakra: Introduction

This is also known as the Heart Chakra and is associated with the element air. It is present in the heart as well as around it.

Since it is linked to the organ heart, therefore, it symbolizes love, compassion, and lots of forgiveness in you. If this chakra is present in the right way inside you, it will fill you with selflessness and acceptance.

To have the proper balance of this chakra, you should try to let go of memories, people, or things that have hurt you in your past. This will free your body of any sort of negativity.

The best way to do so feels every emotion completely and hence gives way to this chakra which will then fill you with a lot of empathy as well as compassion towards others.

Anahata Chakra: Yoga

The heart chakra is linked to  characteristics like creativity, self-respect, or the female reproductive system. The imbalance in this chakra may lead to problems like addictions, irritable bowel syndromes, or ovarian cysts, similar to the sacral chakra.

The following yoga poses can help in balancing the heart chakra:

Ustrasana (Camel pose):

Kneel down and make an arch with your back backward and try to hold your ankles and stretch downwards. This pose helps to open up and uplift the energy center of love, compassion and the sense of caring. Warm-up for the spine before this pose is a must.

Garudasana (Eagle Pose):

Stand straight and cross one of your legs around the other, standing on one leg. Stretch your hands away from the shoulders and lock the arms making an ‘L’. This pose helps in concentration and balancing and also releases the back of the chest and strengthens your shoulders thus combining both the qualities of softness and strength.

Vishuddha Chakra: Introduction

This is also known as the throat chakra and is associated with the element space. It is located near the throat.

Self-expression, communication, proper understanding, and good listening, and the traits linked to this chakra. With the proper balance of this chakra in your life, you will be good and confident at telling truths.

However, speaking truth is not an easy job for everyone. The physical parts of your body that will get affected due to this chakra are throat, mouth, jaw, and neck.

Various physical factors can indicate your problem with this chakra, like sore throat, will point towards the fact that you are hiding the truth.

Not being able to speak the truth can actually block the positive energy of this chakra. For this chakra to be balanced, one should be given constant assurance and motivated to speak the truth.

Vishuddha Chakra: Yoga

Throat chakra symbolizes truth, self-protection, and communication of wants and the imbalance of this chakra leads to problems like feeling victimized, throat issues, or tonsillitis. The following yoga poses help in balancing this chakra:

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose):

Lie straight on stomach and lift your head up taking support by pressing the ground with your hands. This pose gives strength to the back, the neck, and also the throat.

Sasakasana (Rabbit pose):

Kneel down and bend down, making your head touch the ground and hold the feet from the side. This pose helps in opening up the caught-up back and the neck and also soothes the heart above the head.

Ajna Chakra: Introduction

This is also known as the Third Eye chakra and is associated with the element light. The location of this chakra is between as well as above eyebrows.

Along with the five-common sense, you have a sixth sense as well which is intuition. Intuition is represented by this particular chakra.

This sense organ is pretty much invisible but is very powerfully provided the chakra is well balanced.

Taking decisions using gut intuition will be pretty accurate and easy with the help of this chakra. You will learn to take the inner self into serious consideration while taking decisions.

This chakra will also bestow upon you good imagination skills, high intellect, and a very deep connection to your inner-self.

However, with an imbalanced Ajna chakra, you are likely to get a lot of nightmares, constant headaches and it will be very difficult for you to concentrate on things.

For you to create balance in this chakra, you should try to follow proper yoga poses and use your intuitive power as much as possible.

Ajna Chakra: Yoga

The third-eye chakra is linked to the attributes such as clairvoyance, self-reflection and mindfulness and the problems that you may get due its imbalance are issues in eyesight, headaches or hormonal imbalances. The following yoga poses are beneficial for this chakra’s imbalance:


The excess of energy in our third-eye chakra leads to confusion and distraction causing us to be unable to the focus thus, meditation is a very good way to calm and uplift your mood and concentration.

Virabhadrasana (Warrior III Pose):

Stand straight on one leg and stretch the other leg back and simultaneously stretch your hands together forward. This pose, rather than seeing what you are doing, is more about feeling. This pose calms and provides a sense of balance to this chakra.

Sahasrara Chakra: Introduction

This is also known as the crown chakra and is associated with the element thought. As the name suggests, this chakra is present at the top of your head.

This chakra has a very spiritual meaning to it and it associated with intuitive wisdom, good knowledge and proper enlightenment.

This chakra suggests the fact that you can reach and achieve your goals regardless of the environment surrounding you.

With this chakra in your life, you are likely to feel a good connection with the earth and all the living things present. You will bury your ego and have a better perspective to look at the world.

You will finally find a sense of purpose in your life.

Sahaswara Chakra: Yoga

Crown chakra is linked to the psychic center, connection with the divine and spiritual and mental well-being. If not balanced then problems like headaches, depression, or learning disorders may occur. The following yoga poses may help in balancing the crown chakra:

Sirasa (Headstand):

Inversion of the body and standing on the head is a headstand and it helps to be stable in whatever we do throughout our body.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog pose): Stand straight and bend touching the ground, making an acute angle near your abdomen. This pose provides balance to the entire body. It also calms the brain, helps relieve stress and energizes the body. It also helps in calming mild depression.